Nows the time to Start a Home based Business

Thinking of starting your own home based business the get helpful tips from those who are also thinking about it or who have taken the plunge already.

What are some good ideas for a home based business?

kirbys_girl52 asked:

I have a two month old. I would love to work but I don’t want anyone else watching her. I want to be the one with her all the time. Are there any good ideas for a home based business that don’t require school or a lot of training? Any moms or dads that work from home.


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Posted in Small Business 15 years, 9 months ago at 10:18 am.


20 Replies

  1. Earn millions of Rupees by working from your homes, with the simplest strategy ever designed. if you want more information Go to this site

  2. I saw the local newspapers have advertised jobs for mum, U might find some work at home, Cheers

  3. aquaspace Jan 25th 2009

    well you could baby sit other people children in your neighbourhood and that will also give your child a good start to making friends.

  4. You could take a cottage industry, such as soap-making, candle making, or even gourmet cooking ( sauces, cookies, jam…) and turn it into a successful business by putting your own spin on whatever you create.

    For example, if you started a cookie-baking business, you could come up with a funky name, e.g. “Ultimate Indulgence Cookie Co.”; and you could come up with a cookie concept that nobody else sells yet – e.g. a mega-sized cookie; a triple chocolate cookie, or cookies shaped like seasonal icons. Properly packaged and presented, these could be sold through cafes, markets, supermarkets, etc…

    You could apply this kind of thinking to almost any cottage industry to build it into a successful home business. Best of luck. :) Remember to think twice, act once: planning is everything for a successful start-up business. :)

  5. You do not give us much information. Do you have any start-up capital? Do you want a home business or an Internet work from home on the computer business? What are your skills or likes or dislikes? For ideas and tips, please go to:

  6. Maybe a tshirt heat transfer business or desktop publishing: links below might be good ideas for you.

  7. As a single mom, who works from home.. I have tried and tested many avenues of work at home businesses.. I use Ebay. here you can Get Unlimited eBay Inventory & MisspellGenerator and learn the techniques and strategies that Adam Ginsberg personally used to sell over $20,000,000 on eBay. For a limited time you can get Adam’s insigts – and software – absolutely FREE!

    Another very luctarive opportunity that earns me $1000 + per week is:

    Watch the movie, sign up for Free and take a look around.
    Anything you need, let me know, I am happy to help you.

  8. There are a lot of home based businesses to choose from. I usually advise people to think about what they would consider to be really interesting and fun. It is easier to be in business when you love what you do.

    Determine if a business is really what you want. I have heard people say that they want a home base business, but don’t want to do sales. Business is all about sales. You are either selling your service or your products. You don’t have a business without sales.

    After you determine your interests and if a business is what you really want, to a look at your market. Your market is the people who will be paying for your service or buying your product. Think about whether your service or product would sell to your market area and if they will likely pay your asking price.

    I have a home based business with some of my favorite things including children’s products, beauty, bath & body, and food.

    You have to be very careful when choosing an opportunity. There is much more information available, but too much to list here. I offer advice on my blog because so many people get caught up in scams.

  9. Just be careful of many of the offers you get here. Many will be scams.

  10. I have a home-based business that I do only on the weekends. I have 4 children and also don’t want anyone else raising my children. I was a teacher for several years before having children, and during that time, I was thinking about what I could do and still stay home with my children. I found a website that is very informative and gives great ideas. Its called I also purchased a book “101 stay at home businesses”. There are several different books out there. If you go on and search, you will see which ones will be most beneficial to you. Do not fall into those “get rich quick” traps. Anything you really want takes hard work, skills, and time. If I were you, 1st figure out what your likes are, your skills, etc… Then go from there. If you decide to do something that requires training, you can either go to school in the evening, or you can do it online (transcription classes, etc…) Good luck- I hope you find what you are looking for!

  11. There are many legitimate home based businesses out there, but the previous two postings are absolutely correct, there are many scams out there too.

    It can be difficult in the beginning of any new venture because you don’t know what you don’t know, and what you don’t know can cost you lots of $$.

    Most people believe that if you have a good product you’ll make money, that couldn’t be farther from the truth! If that were true, you’d have many people making money in home based businesses, but you don’t.

    Product is important, but there are quite a few other factors involved in being successful also.

    Most of all do your reseach on the company and people you are talking to, find out if any of them have a checkered past. You’d be surprised how easy it is to find that out, yet many people are so starry eyed at the prospect of “fast cash” they neglect this simple step and lose lots of money.

    Hope this help,

  12. Hi! I do know of a great company that has been around for almost 22 years, has a great Better Business Bureau record, has won the Blue Chip award, and has been recognized by the US Chamber of Commerce. There are no sales involved-no taking orders or delivering products. This was important to me because I have 3 little girls at home and I wanted something I could really do from home. You can go to this website:
    Blessings, Jill

  13. I’m a work at home mom myself. You’ve gotten some great advice from some previous posters here … especially about the scams too so be careful (I’ll touch more on that below.)

    This post is very similar to the last two posts I read so I hope you don’t mind but I’m going to share the same information here …

    Find something you enjoy doing. That’s one great thing about creating / owning your own business. You can do whatever you want. Turn your favorite hobby or pasttime into a home based business and bring in an income. The possibilities are endless and there’s a lot of us doing it (and loving it)! Just be sure to keep your eyes wide open and be very, very careful. For every legitimate business out there, there’s probably 10 scams :-(

    A few things to keep in mind …

    If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck … Need I go on? It’s just as simple as that, if it looks too good to be true, chances are, it probably is.

    Work at home “jobs” are few and far between. Folks who have them keep them near and dear – when one becomes available – it’s snatched up fairly quickly. It is definitely a possibility to have a “job” but it’s very hard to find one.

    Oh and would you pay to work at McDonald’s? More than like that answer was no … good, now don’t pay for a work at home “job” either. Yes, some “jobs” may require certain equipment such as second phone line, high speed internet, etc. etc. But as far as “paying to get information” – stay away ;-)

    Work at home businesses on the other hand – as I said, the possibilities are endless and there are many.

    Maybe you’re interested in Direct Sales such as Mary Kay, Avon etc. These types of businesses have come a long way and are very popular.

    Maybe you’d like to learn about search engine optimization and a little website building. Use these skills to build a niche content website and earn money by becoming an affiliate.

    The list goes on and on . . . Good luck!

  14. I don’t know if this will help you at all, but I sell Tastefully Simple. It is a business where you would have to go out and do parties but they are usually on the weekend or weeknights for about 3 hours each, but it is fun business that you can take to the level you want it to go. It is only $170 to start and that gives you everything to have your first 4 parties plus much much more. If you happen to be interested in learning more. Please visit or just and you can search my website by putting in Consultant id 0058796. Or you can find some people in your area if you would like that too :) Good luck finding the thing that works for you!

  15. When my children were young I went out to work, because that’s what we were taught at school to do, after 20 years I was made redundant, so I went self employed was OK but I only really just owned my job, was then asked to join another firm but it failed after 7 years- so what has this to do with a home based business, well after all those problems I found a very special one
    I now work from home, am building an international team and earning a residual based income, and the beauty of it is, in the early days when I knew very little about the business I had a team behind me who helped me every step of the way.
    If you would like an opportunity where you can stay at home work for just a few hours a week and over 2-4 years create a very substantial income then contact me through my 360 profile and I will direct you to a web site where you will get an overview of a possible solution for you.

  16. If you want to find a legitimate online work at home job and really make money,I suggest you doing paid survey…

    You can visit (A free paid survey review site) to find more and learn how to earn money easily and legally.Hope that help you.

    And you also can click my screen name or avatar for more information..

  17. Home babysitting for other’s babies while you are also taking care of yours or have an online store but this needs computer skills and time to sit at your computer. Hope this can give you more ideas: or

  18. I’m a mother of two and an independent consultant with Arbonne International, #1 multi level marketing business ranked by Citibank and the fastest growing network marketing company in the world. I love Arbonne’s premium products, their integrity, security, and the way that they reward their consultants. And the best part is…I’m earning a great residual income and I DON’T HAVE TO SELL A THING!!! By simply sharing Arbonne and re-directing family, friends, neighbors, and associates to their premium, cutting edge products, you can earn an amazing income. It’s SO easy!!

    *Mercedes Benz car program
    *Debt free with a low start up cost of $29
    *Unlimited residual income, NO GLASS CEILING
    *No inventory
    *No sales requirements
    *No territory to limit growth
    *FREE online training
    *Committed leadership
    *Exponential growth
    *Stability of 27 years of experience
    *Meets the market demands of the baby boomers
    *Moving to 14 countries in the next 5 years
    *Most generous compensation plan in the industry

    First Lady Laura Bush recently applauded Arbonne for offering such a dependable system that allows parents to be home more with their children while still contributing to their household income.

    If you’re interested in learning more, you can visit my website below or email me and I’ll be happy to help you.

  19. I was in the same situation 2 years ago, I decided on the Pampered Chef. It has made such a great difference in my life. for a low start up cost and a wonderful paycheck!
    -no deliveries
    -no sales quotas
    -no keeping stock
    -no paying host benifits

    check out my website or email me for more info

  20. There are many home business opportunities that don’t require a specific level of interest or training, just your willingness or ability share your business with others online and/or offline. I suggest looking for a company in the direct sales or network marketing industry that offers a product or service you are passionate about and you feel comfortable referring to others.

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